Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Living Together

In the USA there are many ways to say two people living together. Like you said theres "girlfriend" "boyfriend" "partner" to name a few. I think "partner" is really the bext way and most formal and probably the most politically correct way to say it. (thats my opinon)

I think that if your in a relationship for only a small amount of time you should have your things be yours and there thing be theirs. But after being together for a long time and you have agreed and decided not to get married and live together is okay but you should trust the other person enough to be able to get a long and compart certain things that you both share like a house for example.I think nothing is wrong with living with a person for a long time. Some people just don't want to get married. Some can't get married and some think once you get married and that didn't work out and by then your some what older and find somone eles and really you don't want to get married because its too much hassel.

Truly I think its all about trust.Karina 16 SRQ, FL, USA

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