Wednesday, February 14, 2007

USA and Americans

The USA is probably one of if not the most powerful nation in the world. America is a great place to live. There are so many opportunities here. Plenty of jobs and we are economically stable.

A lot of people don't like Americans they think we are all stuck up. They think we all like the decisions that Bush makes. They think that we Americans think we are superior nobody thinks about that. We like other cultures. That's what makes America, America the fact that we have many cultures, the fact we are so well rounded.

I actually have immigrant parents. My mother and father are both Cuban. That does not change my opinion about the United States it actually makes me love the USA more. The fact we have more freedom then other countries makes us great. Americans love to travel and experience the world and other cultures we are not shallow people.

Karina Marquez 16 SRQ, FL

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