Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My name is Karina I am 15 and I am from Sarasota, FL and I am Cuban_American

Latinos are a very big ethnic group in the United States. There are more Latinos then African Americans in the United States and it didn't seem to hit the US until a while ago when we had our freedom rallys how much latinos there are in the US and how much work we do in the US. Most latinos are hard working. I know many hardworking Cubans in Miami that open new busniesses and do crudy jobs just to put food on the table. We care deeply about our families (there are exceptions) and we are very family oriented people. And we do whatever it takes to take care of them even if that means working over time.

A lot of Americans don't like latinos and sterotype us. They think we are all bad. I am sorry but theres good and bad in EVERY race and ethnic group. No race or ethnic group is perfect. They say we are all gangbangers but thats not true. A lot of the gangs were started because we needed unity because other races where discriminating against us. Then people rebeled and made new rival gangs and thats how gang rivals happend. But they had good intentions.

They don't think about our position and all that we went through to get to America before they deport us back. Once we get here it does not get easier right away.The struggles we go through are not easy learning english, getting jobs, going to school. A lot of people don't like to hire latinos because of the reputation the media gives us. But there are a lot of people that do hire us cause they know we are hard workers and they know we are striving to start over and make a better life.

Latinos for the most part are very happy, energetic, bright, colorful, people that have a lot of culture to give to the society. I believe that we are great people. And I am proud to be latina.

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