Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A typical day at school.....

My name is Karina Marquez and I am from Sarasota, FLA typical school day for me starts off when I go to the bus stop at 6:20 a.m. The bus picks me up about 10 minutes later and then I am on my way to school. To any normal outsider Booker High isn't a school that would be a on the A list due to its looks. The neighborhood you go through to get to Booker is not the prettiest neighborhood, its pretty ghetto actually. Its a one floor school. Its mostly outside and open its not completely closed school. Theres about 37 buildings not including the portables.

Booker (unlike some highschools in the area) has block schedualing so we only have 4 classes a day but each class is 85 minutes. In most cases you have two core classes and two electives. If you have VPA (visual and preforming arts) those will be your electives.

Most of the students eat lunch at school. They have normal school lunch everyday along with Pizzahut Pizza. On certain days they have cookies. Theres no soda at my school. Only juice and flavored water and of course regular water.

Booker High approxamently contains 1760 students that attendend. There are a varity of students unlike most schools in Sarasota County, Booker is the most diverse. We have a lot of African-Americans, Latinos, and Caucasions. But minority contains most of the Booker population.

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