Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Quest Story; Wasit Deep

A quest story always has certain elements, such as a hero, a special power, a problem, the always bring back somthing in the end. In the movie Waist Deep staring Tyrese Gibson his character O2's son Junior played by Henry Hunter Hall is kidnapped in a carjacking by a gang king worker and is held for randsome by the gang king Meat played by the rapper Game. Right after the carjacking O2 comes across a girl named Coco played by Meagan Good. So they go on a bank robbing spree to make money for juniors randsome and in the act fall in love. Finally they make enough of money to pay for junior. So O2 meets Meat for a trade off, his son for the stolen money but in the act O2 kills Meat.Since O2 is so smart he drives his car off the dock when the police were chasing him and escapes into the water. But he knew the police would assume hes dead. Since Coco and O2 are criminals they meet up in Mexico to get away from the police and live together in Mexico along with Junior.

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