Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Writing Option 2.

The year of seventh grade I had a teacher named Mr.McLelen but we called him Mr.Mac. He taught science, everyday in his class he would have a power point on his TV. In his class we would have a journal and we would complete our assignments in the journal. But he would go really fast and we would have to write really fast in the beginning of the year but as the year went on we got used to it which helped because it taught me how to write fast. He was extemely funny, loud, and crazy. Just like Dorona he was crazybecause he risked his life hoping that one of his students would think fast and save him.

Mr.Mac was a great teacher because he played around but we did get a lot of stuff done...a lot. In his class was the first time I disected a frog. He was very nice and made sure we didn't get sick disecting them. Also we planted plants in his class. Lastly he had lots of pets in his class. I think he had a snake and a huge fish tank full of colorful fish. All in all due to his creativity and craziness I learned a lot and loved his class he truly did make science fun.

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